Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Farm Property For Sale In Argentina

Argentine Brain Surgeon Retiring & Selling
Prestine Vacation Farm Property

300 acres in Rio Colorado with water well on property with complete two bedroom farm house.

Must see property for sale for farming, getaway city slicker land must sell, $500K

20,000 Acres in Colonia 25 de Mayo near the aquaduct near the Rio Colorado river. Both properties have very rich soil, ready for farming, ranching and has wild animals, too.

God's country, very fertile farm land with river nearby and plenty of wild animals, must sell $500K

Two ranches for sale: One 300 acres in Rio Colorado, with a house, running water and cows, lamb and other farm animals. The property is so rich you can grow just about anything from tomatoes to carrots and spinnach. There is a family living and managing the ranch currently behind the main spread of property where the house is, however tours are by invitation only The second Ranch: 19,000 acres of rich ranch property, which can be used for cattle or hunting ranch. It has huge animals like wild fox, wild bores, rabbits, and deer. There is a water table underground and water hole on the property.

People who are looking to retire and start a new life of ranching, hunting or just getting away from it all. In Argentina contact Dr. Fortunato or Norma Mayo @ 011-54-114-862-8955
Email:"Fortunato Mayo" fmayo@yahoo.com

In America call Aida Mayo (daughter), president MAYO Communications, Los Angeles, CA
818-340-5300 or 818-618-9229. AidaMayo@Gmail.com.

For more pictures and info: www.MySpace.com/LaPampaland
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