LAEDC Offices Downtown LA
LAEDC Applauds Key Economic Stimulus Proposals in Proposed State Budget
§ Incentivize California-based companies creating jobs for Californians
§ Ease restrictions to public private partnerships and provide “design-build” authority for select transportation and local redevelopment projects to create more jobs more quickly
§ Streamline the permitting and review process and confer CEQA exemptions for surplus state property and certain transportation projects through 2010 to pump money into the economy faster
§ Offer greater flexibility to employees and employers in shaping work schedules to make
§ Provide targeted tax incentives to help lure television and film production back to
About the LAEDC
The LAEDC, the region’s premier business leadership organization, is a private, non-profit organization established in 1981 under section 501(C) (3). Its mission is to attract, retain, and grow business and jobs for the regions of